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Here is a brief overview of the lodges and camps we use for our tours. All lodges in Gambia and Senegal are basic but beautifully located, cared for and equipped with all basic needs. We always do different hotspots and boat trips near the lodges.
Click on the Google maps icon to open the location in Google maps.

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Tendaba Camp is beautifully situated on the Gambia River and has simple but neat cottages. Our guests enjoy the air-conditioned rooms. Excellent base for birding in the area. Also the boat safari in the mangroves here is great! In the nearby Kiang West national par you will find many old quarries with water pools that attract many birds. We also have our own photography hide in Tendaba.

Target species:
Bateleur, White Helmetshrike, Yellow-billed Oxpecker, 
Namaqua Dove, African Finfoot,
Black-Headed Plovers, Spotted Ticknee .....

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Deep inland, in the River Gambia National Park lies Kairoh Garden Kuntaur. A great base for a boat trip to see the Chimpanzees and hippos. However, the region has more to offer, including the Wassu quarry where you will find the Northern Carmine Bee-eater between August and September and a veritable colony of Red-throated Bee-eaters between November and March. Rooms at Kairoh garden are basic, with fan.


Target species:
Red-throated Bee-eaters, Northern Carmine Bee-eater, Northern Ant Eater Chat, Little-Bee-eaters, African Fish-Eagle .....

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Located in the village of Ka-ur on one of the highest hills in the region, Kaur Lodge offers a breathtaking view of a valley and the Gambia River. Tejan's food is delicious. This lodge has only 2 rooms. Kaur is a perfect base for the Kaur Wetlands and the Njau pool. Between September and February we find the Krikodil guards or Egyptian plovers in Njau.

Target species:
Egyptian Plovers, Squacco heron, Pintailed wyda, Malachite kingfisher, African Jacana, Abyssinian Roller, Collared Printincole .....

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Located in the heart of the Niokolo-Koba national park. A Unesco World Heritage Site with over 300 species of birds and numerous mammals.

On the edge of the park is Safari MB camp. At Safari MB camp we use air-conditioned rooms.


Target species:
Red-shouldered Cuckoo-shrike, Pel's Fishing-Owl, Northern Carmine Bee-eater, Shining Blue Kingfisher, African Blue-Flycatcher, Hippopotamus .....

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AbCa's Creek Lodge is built in a beautiful nature reserve in the interior.  Because of its location and beautiful gardens, this lodge is an ideal place for bird spotters and nature lovers.

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The Marakissa Rivercamp is located in Southern Gambia, close to the Senegalese border, on the banks of a small tributary. The rooms are basic but very well cared for. A garden full of birds and a great cook. You will definitely want to come back here!



Target species:
White crowned robin chat, Giant Kingfisher, White breasted cuckoo shrike, Yellow Bellied Hyliota, Black Crake, Yellow Throated Leaf love, Greater Honey Guide, African Scops Owl, White Faced Scops Owl, Dwarf Bittern, Greater painted snipe, Purple glossy starling, Swallow tailed bee-eater, .....

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Exclusive bird watching accommodation in Gambia’s Northern Region, deep in the heart of the Bao Bolong Wetland Reserve.




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Mandinari River Lodge is located in the heart of the Tambi Wetlands and is of the most beautiful places in the region. The surrounding rice fields, mangroves and wetlands make Mandinari a perfect base to start our travels. In addition, we have our own photography hide on the property. The rooms are spacious, clean and have a fan.


Target species:
Striated Heron, Violet Turaco, Bearded Barbet, Pied Kingfisher, Long-crested Eagl, Bearded barbet, Glossy starling, weavers, Honeyguide, Blue-cheaked bee-eaters .....

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As soon as you arrive at Hotel-Lodge Keur Saloum, a breathtaking immense and unspoiled landscape unfolds before your eyes. Keur Saloum is located in the middle of the Saloum Delta, which is considered one of the most beautiful bays in the world and has been classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. 


Target species:
Goliath Heron, Yellow-billed stork, Osprey, African Fish-Eagle, African darter, Long-tailed cormorant, Blue-breasted Kingfisher, mangoust ....

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Bansang is a unique place where a breeding colony of Red-crowned Bee-Eaters can also be seen. Bintoes Lodge is beautifully situated on the banks of the Gambia River. Bintoes lodge has basic air-conditioned rooms to take a break from the heat.



Target species:
Grey Headed Kingfisher, Red-throated Bee-eater, Northern Ant Eater Chat, Mottle spine tail, Pin Tailed Whydah, Northern Red Bishop, and Raptors such as Brown Snake Eagle, Ruppell's Griffon Vulture .....

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Located in Folonko near Kartong is Tamba Kuruba Eco-lodge. The lodge features a restaurant, a bar, a garden and a private beach. Tamba Kuruba is a perfect base for visiting the Kartong wetlands, photographing sea birds and spending a day relaxing on the beach.

Target species:
Osprey, African spoonbill, African Swamphen, Purple Swamphen, Pelicans, Little-Bee-eaters, Baillon's Crake, Lesser Crake, Yellow Browned Warbler, Dwarf Bittern.....

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Stala Lodge is a magical place by the ocean in the middle of nature with lots of trees, bushes full of birds all around you. A fine eco-lodge with friendly service and delicious meals. Staka Lodge is a base for the Kartong wetlands.



Target species:
Osprey, African spoonbill, African Swamphen, Purple Swamphen, Pelicans, Little-Bee-eaters, Baillon's Crake, Lesser Crake, Yellow Browned Warbler, Dwarf Bittern.....

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Tanji Bird Reserve Eco-Lodge is a beautiful lodge in the heart of Tanji Bird Reserve and adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean. Tanji Eco-Lodge is a unique place for bird watching. The rooms have a fan.



Target species:
Grey headed gull, Kelp gull, Slender bill gull, Bar tailed godwit, Sanderling, Ruddy turnstone, Osprey, Caspian, sandwich, royal, lesser crested tern .....

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The location of the Lodge in the middle of a mangrove forest allows you to experience the exceptional fauna & flora here. The view from the stilt houses is breathtaking. At Bintang Bolong you will definitely want to come back!
The rice fields in the area zjn an excellent hotspot for various birds. Hours of photography fun at this location. Our guests stay in the stilt houses (if available) with fan.


Target species:
Grey-headed kingfisher, Striated heron, Sacret ibis, African golden oreole, yellow billed kite, osprey, pied kingfisher, giant kingfisher ....

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Niokolo Koba is a national park. A Unesco World Heritage Site with more than 300 bird species. Campement de Wassadou is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful camps ever visited by us. The rooms have running water and electricity but are otherwise very basic. There is a fan in the room.

Target species:
Red-shouldered Cuckoo-shrike, Pel's Fishing-Owl, Northern Carmine Bee-eater, Shining Blue Kingfisher, African Blue-Flycatcher, Hippopotamus .....

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Bakotu is a cosy lodges complex built in typical African style, with beautiful tropical gardens and within walking distance of the Kotu stream and a mangrove forest as garden :)

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Baobolong camp is located 250km from the coastal region, on the south bank of the Gambia River. This location is a great base for the Boabolong wetlands, Jahally rice fields and boat trips on the Gambia River.



Target species:
Ruff, Collared Prantincole, Black Coucal (one of the specialties), African jacana, Winding Cisticola, Black Crake, Knob Billed Duck, Purple Heron, and the dainty African Pygmy Goose, African Fish-eagle, Bruces green pigeon, African green pigeon, ....

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Badalah Park is the only hotel in The Gambia with its own ornithological pond and bird sanctuary where you can spot more than 200 bird species. Basic hotel, with clean rooms and friendly service. Close to the kotu bridge, Badalah is a perfect base.



Target species:
African Jacana, Black Winged Stilt, Squacco Heron, intermediate Egret, Western Reef Heron, Grey Headed Gull. African Silver bill, Blue Bellied Roller. Little Bee Eater, Swallow Tailed Bee Eater. Variable and Splendid Sunbirds, Double Spurred Francolin, Senegal Parrot, Fine Spotted Woodpecker, Red Necked Falcon

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Sita Joyeh or baobad island is located on a small island accessible only by boat. The neat rooms and tasty food make us relax for a while after a day of intense photography. Sitah Joyeh is in fact the base for the sites of Farasutu, Pirang forest and Pirang schimp farm. This latter location is where we often go for photographing flamingos



Target species:
Nightjar, Flamingo, Pelican, Greyish Eagle-owl, Verreaux's Eagle-owl, Goliath Heron ....

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